Monday, August 5, 2013

Amicolla Falls Ga.

The falls to tired to walk all the way down.  The last pic is my squirrel running away he was here when I got here and refused to leave until I tried to take a picture. Been five feet from for hours. 

Deal Gap

Some pics from around Fontana Village

Moonshiner 28 waterfalls

S. C. City Hall

Statue to fallen confederate soldiers with a confederate flag on one side and you can read the other side below. This is Anderson S. C. or Andersonville not sure.  Was accosted by a homeless man on a park bench wanting a light and to show me his wrist tumor. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Fort Clinch

The Fort and road out of there. 

First night camping used tarp as ground cloth and vestibule to keep gear dry on other side of tent. Stove uses gasoline which gives me spare gas for the ride just in case. 


Beach north of St. John's river. 


A1A requires a ferry ride across the St. John's river. 

Lunch first day

Found this lake behind a gas station during a fill up thought it was perfect for lunch so I stopped. 

Mile zero

Bike packed up also with added Renntec rack, extra heavy bar ends, Ram mount for iPhone and accessory charger for iPhone and Sena communicator

Friday, July 5, 2013

Bike EX 500

EX500 2009

Will be taking this bike from Largo, Fl. Through Ocala National Forest to St Augustine to Fort Clinch for first night of camping. Then on to Columbia S.C. For a few days visiting family. Then I am taking the moonshiner 28 from Walhalla S.C. To Fontana village for 2 nights camping will ride the tail of dragon and the Cherohalla parkway. Next leg will take me to Six Gaps in north Ga. and Amicolla Falls two more nights camping in state parks  then back home down the west coast of Fl.